Blog Not a PIVOT, but a PIROUETTE



In the musical 42nd Street, lyricist Al Dubin writes “Until you learn how to sing a new song, go into your dance…”.
I think it’s great advice as we all wait to see what will next unfold.

While I have been finding new songs to sing this year, I have realised that I have not ‘pivoted’ with any particular grace. Instead, I feel as if I have pirouetted — and then some. *Pirouette: to whirl about on one’s toes

The last few years have definitely kept me on my toes, so I decided to take time out to reflect on my many pirouettes and what I’ve learned along the way.

I didn’t create 2,000 followers on social media; instead, in the first three months of lockdown I created a series of Facebook lives called “Coffee & Conversation with Simone: Your cup of calm”. During these lives, I told stories, channelled wisdom and extemporised on a wide range of topics for 30–45 minutes, five days a week for 90 days. And I realised it was never about the following, rather it was about being able to hold space and evoke calm for those seeking it.

I watched from the wings, with no little degree of envy, friends and colleagues create fabulous home studios and garner virtual audiences and wondered why I didn’t try harder to do the same. Until I realised that my personal and professional stage was transforming into something greater than I could comprehend and that the essence of this transformation required deep reflection and…pausing.

And that, as a conduit and catalyst for transformation, my message was also changing and it was time to honour what needed to be voiced, or not.

Not a pivot, but a pirouette.

I didn’t speak on any of the stages that were planned over these two years, but I did create and launch my first in-depth online course to great success and wonderful testimonials. And as an unexpected and delightful bonus, embraced the opportunity to share my creativity with those who needed my expertise — with the creation of upwards of forty short courses for a National Retailer  —  and which have helped me focus and distill my creative talents in a very different arena.

Not a pivot, but a pirouette.

I reduced my time on social media after my Facebook live extravaganza, not because I had nothing to say, but rather that there was too much. Too much that wanted to be said. Too much grief to be expressed, too much rawness and reality, ultimately to be transmuted into wisdom and love. 

So much that was asking to be voiced, and which required a hibernation of sorts, a willingness to be present with all that was, the shedding of the old and embracing the new. Embracing the panoply of talents discovered, uncovered and owned.

Not a pivot, but a pirouette.

A pirouette requires your full commitment to the whirl. To the lift, flow and grace of what is.
At first you will wobble — and that’s okay.

And then, you:

Ground your energy
Shift your stance
Activate your body
Focus your vision
Lift your spirit
Release your intention
and SPIN!


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